Register navicat for mysql 10.0
Register navicat for mysql 10.0

  1. Register navicat for mysql 10.0 update#
  2. Register navicat for mysql 10.0 code#
  3. Register navicat for mysql 10.0 password#

  • Query Builder is now able to handle incomplete SQL statement when switching between Query Editor and Query Builder.
  • Changed to use Ctrl+MouseWheel instead of LeftClick+MouseWheel for zoom in/out function in Query Editor.
  • group like "ITem" and it didn't allow to change into "Item".
  • Improved virtual grouping rename issue - e.g.
  • Records were unable to generate for Federated table in Dump SQL File and Data Transfer.
  • Synchronize to Database function in Data Modeling Tool genarated incorrect comparison result for equivalent source and target foreign keys.
  • Binary data from Access/ODBC was imported incorrectly during Import Wizard.
  • "List index out of bounds" error occurred when some source fields were removed after import profile were created during Import Wizard.
  • Create function statement which was after DELIMITER change statement was unable to be executed in Query.
  • Support to ignore comparing DEFINER clause of view, event, trigger, procedure and function in Structure Synchronization.
  • Support fractional seconds precision of time, datetime, timestamp data types for MySQL 5.6.4 or above under Synchronize to Database function in Data Modeling Tool.
  • Support date time format T01:02:03.456 in Import Wizard.
  • The Profile tab under Query is now displayed without sorting.
  • Support fractional seconds precision of time, datetime, timestamp data types for MySQL 5.6.4/MySQL MariaDB 5.3 or above.
  • Register navicat for mysql 10.0 password#

    Server with unsaved password not able to connect under 'Import from Database' in Data Modeling Tool.'Table does not exist' error occured while opening an export profile.Parameter list not able to show in Function Designer when there was CHARACTER type in function parameters.Foreign key information with NDB cluster storage engine not able to get correctly in Table Designer.Foreign key information with two words identifier not able to get correct correctly in Table Designer.Connection was deleted after renamed to capitalized name.'Control 'Dock2Form_1' has no parent window' error occured while docking in and out of windows.All records are now able to show under the Fixed Width window in step 3 of Import Wizard.Always import as NULL value if "Use empty string as NULL" option is checked in Import Wizard.

    Register navicat for mysql 10.0 update#

    Table Viewer is now able to update a row even not all the keys are input for numeric columns.Unable to connect with SSL in some cases.

    register navicat for mysql 10.0

  • Hang issue occurred when launching Import Wizard.
  • Unknown Internal error occurred when backup in Automation in some cases.
  • Unknown Internal error occurred when writing query in some cases.
  • "Use empty string as NULL" option did not work in Import Wizard.
  • High memory usage issue in Data Synchronization.
  • "_Navicat_Temp_Stored_Proc() does not exist" error occurred when saving functions.
  • Unknown Internal error occurred when opening tables in some cases.
  • Unknown Internal error occurred when running old version export profiles in Automation.
  • Table menu displayed wrong item in some cases.
  • register navicat for mysql 10.0

  • Unknown Internal error occurred when running query with parameters.
  • Beautify SQL did not format multiple statements properly in SQL Editor.
  • Register navicat for mysql 10.0 code#

    Code completion did not work for alias in SQL Editor.Number values were exported as text in Excel files.Unable to import the CDATA data in XML files.Access Violation error occurred after Navicat was idle.Access Violation error occurred when creating models / tables in some cases.Unable to import fixed width text file in some cases.Unable to open Information pane by context menu.To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. Unable to create new table with primary key settings in Import Wizard.Automation did not start when the computer was logged out.If a query was opened, abnormal behavior happened when closing Navicat.Keepalive Interval setting attempted to connect continuously even the database was down.Exported files or reports were not attached to the notification email.Code completion replaced the text after caret.Foreign Key constraint issue in Import Wizard.DROP PROCEDURE statements in Structure Synchronization did not include the schema name.Crashed when dumping table to sql file in some cases.Unable to disable Foreign Key constraint in Data Synchronization.Unable to edit query results in some cases.Unable to drag and drop a query into a group in some cases.

    register navicat for mysql 10.0

  • Column width did not retain after hide and show the column in Table Viewer.
  • The color of function keywords did not change according to the Font Color settings in Options.
  • Unable to create a query inside a group.

  • Register navicat for mysql 10.0